Off Camera Flash Tour is coming to Hertfordshire on the 25th April 2012

Back by Popular Demand - Off Camera Flash Tour 2012
Practical workshops on portable flash and speedlite Photography

The next OCF workshop is taking place in Hertfordshire on the 25th April 2012

Places are limited and are filling fast! Don't miss out book your place TODAY!

Shooting with portable flash can at times be a frustrating learning experience. On this course Mark gets you using flash like you have never done it before. The practical course gets you shooting straight away using both on and off camera flash for powerful portraits. Using a model the different setups are explained and then shot to demonstrate the techniques, this is when the delegates jump in. During each shoot several flash setups are in use to maximise the experience. Just bring your camera, lenses and a Speedlite and leave the rest to us. You will have an amazing time on this course and under the watchful eye of the Master of Flash.

“My Fear of flash has gone forever – thanks Mark great workshop” – David Giles 2011
” OCF – its my new drug – can’t wait to put it all into pracice” – Angie Fathers – 2011″

Who should come – These courses are perfect for Photographers at all levels, Mark takes time out to develop each individual whilst shooting to maximise the experience

What should I bring – Delegates should bring their own cameras as well as any specific equipment to your camera manufacturer plus bring your own speedlites, etc for off camera flash use.

What will we supply – Usually a light lunch (unless stated) and refreshments plus any special equipment including flash, reflectors , radio triggers

When should I book – As soon as possible as places are limited to 15 photographers (unless stated).

For all the information and to book your place click HERE

Images taken on the last OCF Tour