Don't Miss mark's Hollywood Tour in Setember!

Hollywood Vogue & Boudoir 

Portraits UK Tour

to book your place CLICK HERE

Join Mark Cleghorn on his UK Hollywood Tour where he explores the creative concepts to his new generation of Hollywood portraits, his Vogue Style and Beyond the Boudoir all with promotions based around the concepts.

You will learn how to recreate the glamour associated with Hollywood using both flash and continuous lighting techniques, creating powerful images with impact and beauty.

The seminar gives a full explanation of each of the styles, the shoot and variety as well as the styling plus of course how and what to sell after the session. Through simple very affordable marketing these concepts should generate a minimum of 100 sessions with an average of between £350 - £650 depending on your setup and drive.

In this packed full day seminar Mark will fully explain the concept and demonstrate the different styles as well as the product, finish and selling it. He will look at the promotion concepts, the marketing to attract the right client as well as pricing the product for different business types weather working from home or studio.

The lighting session of the day will demonstrate each of the styles, demonstrating the variety and lighting to make any woman look awesome, no matter what her size and without a huge amount of post production.

Mark shows you how to wow the client from the start of the experience to the purchase, as it is an essential part of this experience.

This one day courses covers the Business, the Photography and the course concepts as well as the promotions.

Styles covered on the day
New Hollywood Portraits
Vogue Portraits
Beyond Boudoir
Sales & Marketing

The Tour Locations and Booking can be found on the Training Calendar to the right

Seminar Price is £25 per day and includes:
PDF Shooting Guide

Price does not include lunch or refreshments but are available at the venues at own cost.

For all the information and to book your place CLICK HERE