The Photographer Academy goes to Sweden

Mark's first demo of the day at the Fotomässan in Stockholm. If you are going make sure you stop by and say hello to mark and Debbie. They are there everyday and Mark will be doing demos on the Aifo stand as well as the main stage.

Fotomässan, The Photofair in Stockholm
The Nordic region’s largest photography market. History of the Stockholm Photo Fair The first Photo Fair was organized in 2006 at the Factory exhibition and events venue in Stockholm and it attracted 7, 000 visitors.
Opening Hours - November 22 - 24, 2013

Friday November 22: 10.00 - 18. 00
Saturday November 23: 10.00 - 18. 00
Sunday November24: 10.00 - 17. 00

For more information visit the Fotomassan website by clicking HERE

#tobeseen #photography #aifo #fotomassan