Live Academy Photo Critique on The Photographer Academy 9th May 7pm (UK Time)

Live Academy Photo Critique on The Photographer Academy 9th May 7pm (UK Time)

To register to view the critique click HERE

Each month on The Photographer Academy members have a chance to have their images critiqued live.

The photo critique sessions run between 60 and 90 minutes, during which Mark comments on around 30-50 images.

The variety of images is a real mix from the improvers to the advanced, all the images follow a similar critique looking at how to improve lighting, composition, technique, pose, story telling to name but a few.

Critiques are designed to push members photography skills forward and are just one persons opinion as beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.

Mark Cleghorn has been Judging and Critiquing images all over the world since 1990, trained by the old Masters to constructively look at and dissect images to allow photographers to understand their weaknesses and strengths to allow them to become even better at their craft.
