FREE TopTog Webinar - An Introduction to Phone Photography with Su Kaye. Wed March 4th 7pm (UK)

FREE TopTog Webinar - An Introduction to Phone Photography with Su Kaye.

Wed March 4th 7pm (UK) To register for this webinar CLICK HERE

Topic: Phone Photography

Su will showing us the most common Apps she uses and the images that she's created from them. Starting with the native iPhone camera and looking at my ‘go-to’ cameras, editing apps, apps to enhance (and destroy) and then sharing apps.

This webinar will mainly look at completed images - only using 1 or 2 apps to record and edit/enhance the image.

Su originally trained and worked as a primary school teacher in Brent and Hertfordshire on the outskirts of London UK, then moved on to further her photography career in 1995 after working with her very talented and respected photographer father Paul Kaye at his central London studio.

After training and working through her licentiateship and associateship panels with the British Institute of Professional Photography, her progression as a photographic artist soon brought Su the grand accolade she was working towards and in 1997 she was awarded a fellowship of the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photography)

Su also runs phone photography workshops in and around London.

This webinar will run for 60 minutes. It is an interactive session so please feel free to pose your questions directly via the question panel

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