FREE Introduction to Light Blue Webinar 12th May 1pm(UK)

If you're in business as a photographer and not using Light Blue you should be!

FREE Introduction to Light Blue Webinar 12th May 1pm(UK)

To register for this free webinar CLICK HERE

Light Blue is software which helps run a photography business. Designed for all types of photographers all over the world, it's easy to use and makes admin simple.

  • Speed things up – quickly find information about your jobs
  • Do things your way – it's easy to customize No need for a network connection – work offline, then share data between devices when you're online
  • Cross-platform – designed for Mac, Windows, iPhone and iPad

Why choose Light Blue?

  • It'll help you make more money: you can quickly analyse how people are hearing about you and if your spending's working.
  • It'll save you time: everything's in one place, so your information is always at your fingertips. It's really easy to use: we've been terrier-like in our pursuit of simplicity.
  • It's really easy to use: we've been terrier-like in our pursuit of simplicity.
  • It's easy to work on several computers, iPhones and iPads: it's really simple to set up and syncs away in the background - like magic, but real.
  • We're really good at tech support: we've got lots of video tutorials to help you get up to speed quickly, and are always swift to reply to questions.
  • We're always innovating: we're always working to improve what we do, be that with new features or tweaks to how existing ones work.