Monday night 13th July 7pm for a FREE TopTog Guest Photographer Webinar with Mark Seymour
us Monday night 13th July 7pm for a FREE TopTog Guest Photographer
Webinar with Mark Seymour talking about his awesome street photography.
To register for this FREE webinar use this link
Top photographer Mark Seymour talks about some of his personal work on shooting the streets of the world. In this webinar Mark will share with us his passion for street photography and his work that has been fortunate enough to shoot all over the world. This webinar will feature work mark has taken in Sicily, Istanbul, India and of course his home town of London.
To register for this FREE webinar use this link
Top photographer Mark Seymour talks about some of his personal work on shooting the streets of the world. In this webinar Mark will share with us his passion for street photography and his work that has been fortunate enough to shoot all over the world. This webinar will feature work mark has taken in Sicily, Istanbul, India and of course his home town of London.