Top Tog Guest Photographer Webinar - David & Luke Edmonson - Let’s Answer Photography’s Biggest Question. Tue, Nov 3, 2015 7:00 PM (UK)

Top Tog Guest Photographer Webinar - David & Luke Edmonson - Let’s Answer Photography’s Biggest Question.

Tue, Nov 3, 2015 7:00 PM (UK) Register for this FREE webinar CLICK HERE

These webinars are brought to you in conjunction with our friends at The Societies

David & Luke Edmonson are known for having the experience and vision for creating original and power-ful images that are profound with dimensionality, ingrained with emotion and compelling in their beauty. During our time together, they will deconstruct the ultimate question that confronts all photographers and it’s importance in the final photograph.

Join them as they give you behind the scenes look at the making of an image of particular im-portance to them. Hear what Impact looks like when a Judge views the print for the first time. Discover their personal story and learn the compelling reason the photograph was created in the first place.

This Texas duo will be at the SWPP Convention in January with two incredible programs, “Riding The Wedding Day Wave” & “Known By Sight”. Make sure you attend as they dive even further into the powerful and mysterious process of Concept Through Creation.

These webinars are designed to be interactive and you'll be able to ask David and Luke your questions on photography.

Sessions last for an hour and a half. Don't forget to tell your friends.
