The Ezybox Hotshoe

This month on PT4U we have a two part film series on the Ezybox Hotshoe from our sponsors Lastolite. This speedlite accessory is a must for any speedlite.

The EzyBox Hotshoe converts your battery operated flash gun from a harsh directional light into a much softer diffused light. Available in three sizes - 38cm x 38cm, 54cm x 54cm and the NEW 76cm x 76cm, the EzyBox Hotshoe folds flat for easy storage and can be assembled in a matter of minutes. There are also a number of accessories available including an extending handle, a tilthead bracket and a powerful clamp with brass spigot.

Lastolite's new accessories have made the highly acclaimed Ezybox Hotshoe even more versatile. When used separately or in combination with each the other, the clamp, extending handle and tilthead offer the photographer ultimate flexibility and portability. The two softboxes are also available separately offering photographers the option to use the same Hotshoe plate but switch softboxes depending on their requirements.

The new Ezybox Hotshoe plate (2414) is now compatible with the Nikon SB900 Flashgun.

You can see the films we made by clicking HERE