PT4U Wildlife Master Craig Jones is leading a Photography Holiday to Madagascar!


25th August - 6th September 2012

The fourth largest and one of the most diverse islands of the world, Madagascar is unique because of its diversity of species. It is known as the "8th continent". Brimming with endemic fauna and flora and with a diverse culture, geography and climate, you will never be disappointed when travelling around this amazing country. One moment you can be driving through pristine rain forest filled with lemurs and chameleons and the next you can be out on the savanna plains or white sandy beaches.

On our 12 day photo trip to Madagascar, you will see the the best this unique island has to offer, amazing wildlife, superb beaches and great accommodation. Madagascar is host to a wide variety of species of lemur - these amazing creatures are found nowhere else in the world and new species are regularly discovered. The different species of lemur are spread throughout a variety of parks and reserves on the island.

The Wildlife on this trip will amaze you, over 50 types of Lemur, 100% of the Worlds wild population. Humpback whales migrate to the waters of Madagascar to give birth and nurture their young between June and September, so this is a great time for whale watching off the east coast. A major factor to the timing of our photo tour as we spend time watching and photographing this unique event in nature’s calendar. Amphibians and Reptiles on this island are fascinating and you are likely to get good quality sightings all year.

Just to give you an idea of how diverse this country really is here are some interesting facts for you. Madagascar is renowned for its high percentage of endemic fauna and flora of which 106 of the 250 bird species are endemic, 98% of the islands native reptile and amphibians are only found on this island, over half of the worlds chameleon species are found here, 32 species of lemur, and in the waters surrounding the island the traveller has the opportunity of seeing swordfish, sharks, stingrays and whales.

Madagascar is encircled by a variety of beautiful beaches and islands from the south west coastline of Ifaty to luxury islands, giving the traveller the perfect opportunity to break up their itinerary with some days of relaxation on the beach and with our trip some amazing whale watching! The perfect end to your Madagascar photo trip.

To find out all the details and how to book click HERE


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