It's Award Time!

The PhotoTraining4U team are overjoyed to be given an award for Exceptional Customer Service by Vantage Point People.

Over the last 6 months, Vantage Point People have been testing a number of organisations in the private and public sector covertly, candidly and by commission, to see just what the customer’s experience has been like, our purpose being not only to challenge businesses to provide a first class service but to celebrate those who achieve it.

Looking at various service providers, we assessed customers’ experiences against their business ethic, hoping to prove that they deliver what they promise. We used our 15-point service matrix to review verbal and e-mail correspondence, newsletters, crisis management, the website and the users’ experience of it, and the overall customer experience. Critically we also tracked how compliments and complaints feedback manifests in the business and what improved affect it has on the customer.

Trudie and Will recently presented an award for Exceptional Customer Service to a Cardiff-based company. PhotoTraining4U demonstrated a genuine customer service ethic, with a strong family core and a genuine desire to help others learn, it has truly encompassed the will to provide the best industry-specific advice and support, and matched this by its excellent customer service standards. Throughout the review, PhotoTraining4U provided examples where it challenged its service to exceed customer expectation. An example of this is the inclusion of subtitles in all the on-line tutorial, education and business videos to aid members who may be hearing-impaired. This came about from direct customer feedback. It’s a small detail, perhaps, but it’s just the sort of thing that customers notice and appreciate.

The members of the PhotoTraining4U team are incredibly modest, and were pleasantly surprised to receive the award. In their opinion, they were, and continue to do, what comes naturally . . . and that is the best bit! I’m sure you will join us in congratulating PhotoTraining4U on receiving this award. We will be posting a blog and podcast on our Cardiff experience soon at Vantage Point People, "meet your potential..."

To find out more about Vantage Point People click HERE