The Search for the Next Apprentice starts soon!

So the time of the PT4U Wedding Apprentice's has come to an end. The year was spent teaching them all aspects of wedding photography. Then on their last training day we told them we had one of Mark's real wedding clients agree to let them shoot their wedding. So a few weeks ago the girls came back to shoot the wedding under Mark's supervision and Jay went along to film how they got on. It was a great wedding and also a wedding with some quite special moments. Tracy and Jane will still be seen on PT4U for the next few months and we will show you the wedding at the end of the series.

You can follow Tracy and Jane's progress by watching the Wedding Apprentice series of films by clicking HERE

So now it's almost time for the search for the Next Apprentice to begin!

In just a few weeks the we will let you know how you can apply to be the Next Apprentice!